Hill inclusive education teachers provide a variety of special education supports and services to meet the needs of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. This includes direct support to students in general education and special education classes and indirect support to general education teachers.
Consultant Teacher services
Special education teachers may provide consultant teacher services to students with disabilities who are enrolled in regular education classes. Direct or indirect services may be provided depending upon the needs of the child, for a minimum of two hours per week. The student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) will outline the specific needs to be addressed.
Special Class (15:1, 12:1:1)
Along the least restrictive environment continuum, a special class ratio is available for students who are determined by the Committee on Special Education to require a more supportive setting in order to progress toward their goals. The special class teacher utilizes a prioritized or modified curriculum based on student needs outlined in the IEP. The special class may be provided to the student for particular subjects or for the majority of the school day.
“Our character is revealed by how we treat people who can not help us or hurt us” by Michael Josephson